Solo concert
Final exam in Advanced level solo singing
Kirkja Óháða safnaðarins, Reykjavík
18 May 2019
Vont og gott. Filmed by Sigríður Anna Ásgeirsdóttir
In 2010 I started taking singing lessons with Margrét Pálmadóttir at Domus Vox music school. In 2012 I continued my studies at Söngskóli Sigurðar Demetz, first with Auður Gunnarsdóttir and then Lilja Eggertsdóttir for some years. In the last two years leading to my graduation in spring 2019 I had the guidance of Hanna Dóra Sturludóttir, with Aladár Rácz as my accompanying pianist. I have also taken regular classes with Jón Þorsteinsson.
It has been a rough road to travel. The journey continues, but the road is getting smoother. I am extremely grateful to all my teachers for their generosity, patience and support.
Vont og gott - Tryggvi M Baldvinsson / Þórarinn Eldjárn
Söknuður - Atli Heimir Sveinsson / Jónas Hallgrímsson
Hvítur hestur í tunglskini - Jórunn Viðar / Steinn Steinar
Four poems from Siete canciones populares españolas
- M de Falla / Spanish folksongs -
Where corals lie - E Elgar / R Garnett
Vedrò con mio diletto - A Vivaldi / N Beregan
Widerstehe doch der Sünde - J S Bach / G C Lehms
Fac ut portem Christi mortem - G B Pergolesi / Marian prayer
Amour! Viens aider ma faiblesse - C Saint Saëns / F Lemaire
Ombra mai fu - G F Händel / NN