Takeover, January 2019

© Owen Fiene
Woman Landscape: Takeover
Choreography: Anna Kolfinna Kuran
Performers: 17 women aged 17 - 80
“Woman Landscape: Takeover,” is a 35 minute performance in which a group of women invades the space through a powerful ceremony using simple choreography and vocal work. The performance is a part of Anna Kolfinna Kuran’s ongoing research project “Woman Landscape,” through which she examines the concept of landscapes of women. Her primary subject is looking at the connection between space and women, where and how they are represented and where they are invisible. In which spaces are women welcome and safe and where aren’t they? In which spaces are women included and present and which ones are only accessible to them through invasion? For this particular experiment the focus of the work is on bonds and solidarity between generations of women, the sisterhood.