Seven Poems from an Unwritten Book of Poetry
Sjö ljóð úr óskrifaðri ljóðabók
© Björgvin Sigurðarson
Seven Poems from an Unwritten Book of Poetry
Choreography and performance: Ólöf Ingólfsdóttir
Dramaturgy: Thomas Schaupp
Costume: Bryndís Ósk Ingvarsdóttir
Lights: Jóhann Friðrik Ágústsson
Music: Vivaldi, Scarlatti
Music concept and compilation: Ólöf Ingólfsdóttir
Premiere 5. September 2023
Studio-Théatre des Grandes Ballets Canadiens
Festival Quartiers Danses, Montreal
Further performances:
Reykjavik Dance Festival, 19. November 2023
Tjarnarbíó, Reykjavík, 7. February 2024
When Ólöf Ingólfsdóttir was gripped by the desire to return to the stage after a long absence, she was driven by a question: what are the stories her body has to tell now, after all the years of joy and pleasure, but also of injuries and aging? What poems have been brewing and are ready to make their way to the surface? Her body answered in manifold ways. And the result is the solo dance performance Seven Poems from an Unwritten Book of Poetry.
"The work was particularly powerful and feminine. The body stores memories in a different way than the mind, and Ólöf achieved a deep interpretation of women's connection or disconnection with their own bodies.“
Performing arts critics of radio program Víðsjá
Award nominations
Gríman, Iceland performing arts awards 2024 - Best Dancer
Gríman, Iceland performing arts awards 2024 - Best Choreography